Leaves & Spices For Life

Yams _African Yams _Organic

$11.49 $9.00

African Yams _Organic

African organic yams, underground stem - tuber popular in Nigeria African nation and surroundings, known and referred to as Udia, Edia, etc in other languages: This tuber is a great source of starch and carbohydrate and a large reservoir of complex sugar. It could be fried, boiled with water or roasted. It is used in making porridge yam soup and yam chips. This food crop comes in name brands such as Utrukpo, Ikom, Udia, Edia, etc. Single tubers are available to be shipped, or purchases can be made in box loads.   Please take 2 - 3 more tubers for a rainy day and we'll ship all to the comfort of your address.

Reduced Shipping is Available for purchases above 3 units in any category

email nsikak@nsibaba.net for discounts !
